You can earn more money and faster from Megatypers if you use our software, it's free but you have to register from the software. Download Megatypers Software for free here.

If you want to register 5 account IDs on Megatypers then you need 5 different emails and 5 different Paypal/Liberty Reserve.

Here is the guide to register on Megatypers:
1. Open this link:
2. Fill your information.(click image to enlarge)
How to register on megatypers

Email: (your email address)
Password: (your password)
Name: (your name)
Payment Type: (choose your payment method)
Invitation Code: (copy this code 2OT6 and paste on column)

Re-type the image: (type the captcha)

2. Click "REGISTER" button.
3. After that you will get this page.(click image to enlarge)
Guide to register on Megatypers

4. After you read the tutorial, you can start to work or skip tutorial.
5. Congratulation, your registration is success.
6. Thank you.