If you want to earn more money and faster from Megatypers you can use our software. It's FREE!!
Why use this software:
1. You can work with multiple accounts at the same time and get captcha 10 times faster than you work on the website.
2. You can add or delete IDs at any time. (which is registered using this software)
2. Your IDs will not be banned because of using Megatypers software, unless you type too slow.
3. It can run on any windows xp, vista, win7 computers.
Only the account which is registered using this software can be used with the Megatypers speed software.
Download the latest version Megatypers Software here (Mediafire):
Megatypers Software Version v12.06.11.1
Megatypers Software Version v12.09.01.1
Megatypers Software Version v12.09.15.2
Megatypers Software Version v12.10.07.2
Megatypers Software Version v12.10.26.1
Megatypers Software Version v13.02.07.1
Megatypers Software Version v13.07.30.1
Megatypers Software Version v14.11.03.1 (Latest version)
Bookmark our blog, so you can always get the latest version of Megatypers Software for free..
Here is the step by step guide to use the Megatypers software:
1. Download software from link above.
3. Extract the zip file to any location you want.
4. There are 2 software. "MT.exe" (Main software) and "Register.exe" (Registration Software).
5. Double click "MT.exe" or double click "Register.exe". (if you choose "Register.exe", please continue to step 7)
6. Click Register.
Email: (your email address)
Password: (your password)
Name: (your name)
Payment Type: (choose your payment method)
Re-type the image: (type the captcha)
8. After that click "Register" button.
10. Click "Set Account" button to add account. You can add multiple accounts.
11. Click "Start Work" button to start work (it may take some time). If it can not work even though your id and password are right, close the firewall, antivirus and proxy (VPN) software.
12. If you want to stop working, click "Stop Work" button.
13. Then, close the software.
14. If you want to check your balance click here and you can read our guide about checking Megatypers earnings.
1. Please type as fast as you can.
2. If you don't type fast enough, do not use too many IDs working at the same time.
3. It's better use less than 5 IDs. However, it's not limited. This is just a suggestion.
4. You can register more than 1 account ID on Megatypers. But you need different payment methods ( Paypal, Perfect Money, Western Union or Payza )
For example:
If you want to register 5 account IDs on Megatypers then you need 5 different emails and 5 different payment methods ( Paypal, Perfect Money, Western Union or Payza ).